Consultations on classical homeopathy, spagyria and hermetic phytotherapy also available in English.
How do the consultations work?
Homeopathic and spagyric consultations take place in the form of a therapeutic interview, ideally in person, but can also take place on-line (e.g. Whatsapp, Signal, Zoom …).
Consultation is only possible by prior appointment. Even in the case of an urgent consultation, please contact me by phone first.
Initial consultations usually take 60-90 minutes, but always last until I have enough information to determine an individual course of action.
In some cases, all the information needs to be analyzed, a repertorization of the symptoms and a comparison of the results with Materia Medica, which is already done without the client being present, and only then is an individual course of action proposed (usually within a few days).
The follow-up consultation is usually after about 6 weeks and usually lasts 30 – 45 minutes. On the basis of the evaluation, a further course of action is proposed.
+420 731 503 041
Mon – Fri 10:00 – 18:00
Domažlická 15, 130 00 Praha 3
Visit only after prior appointment.
Homeopathy & Spagyria
Initial consultation: 1200 CZK
Usual duration of a therapeutic consultation is 60 – 90 min. This is followed by a case analysis and repertorisation (approximately 3 hrs), which is included in the price.
Follow-up consultation: 600 CZK
The usual length of the follow-up consultation is 30 – 45 min. and usually follows 6 weeks after the initial consultation.
Acute consultation: 300 – 600 CZK
Price according to time requirements. It takes place without a traditional appointment. However, please contact me by phone first.
Bach flower essences
Initial consultation: 700 CZK
Usual duration 30 – 60 min. and includes a bottle of Bach essences
Follow-up consultation: 400 CZK
Usual duration 10 – 30 min. and includes a bottle of Bach essences
Discount 1 + 1 (child + parent, partner + partner, owner + pet)
Initial consultation: 1200 CZK, Follow-up consultation: 700 CZK
Important notice
The consultations and services provided are not health services within the meaning of Act No. 372/2011 Coll. on Health Services and Conditions of their Provision and the homeopathic/spagyric therapist is not a health professional within the meaning of the Health Services Act or a pharmacist or pharmaceutical assistant within the meaning of Act No. 378/2007 Coll. on Medicines and on Amendments to Certain Related Acts.
The consultations and services provided are not a substitute for medical care.